Hong Kong Code-mixing 香港中英夾雜字典

by megaexplorer_hk



Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary - 香港中英夾雜字典This is a dictionary app made for foreigners who seek to understand the beauty and intricacy of using English terms in Hong Kong Cantonese, as well as Cantonese speakers who support the existence of such a mixed language.此字典原於協助外籍人士理解香港廣東話夾雜英語的美妙奇趣之處,以及寫給支持中英夾雜的人士。Also known as code-mixing in academic terms, which refers to the insertion of words and phrases from a foreign language into ones mother-tongue conversation, this is a habit or talking style that has been adopted into the colloquial language of Hong Kong by Cantonese speakers since the colonial days but has never been deemed explicable due to its complexity.說母語時夾雜外語字詞,或學術上稱為"語碼混合",這種說話方式自從香港殖民地時代已經融入了香港人的日常廣東話對話裡。不過,由於夾雜語言的規律比較繁複,從來都沒有人把這種語言解釋得淋漓盡致。With definitions mostly written and/or refined by the author and backed up by credible sources, this app aims to decipher the hidden rules and constraints of code-mixing in Hong Kong Cantonese used by different language groups in Hong Kong, while also trying to investigate whether the concept of class from the English language can be incorporated into the Cantonese language through code-mixing from the perspective of sociolinguistics.此字典集合了開發者和熱愛中英夾雜人士親自寫的定義以及可靠的資料來源,務求研究出香港廣東話的中英夾雜之奧妙規律和定律,還有從社會語言學(sociolinguistics)的角度探討英語的"階級"(class)概念能否帶入廣東話裡。